четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.

WORLD fly baits.
Fundamentals of fly fishing

There are plenty of fly fishing lures. This is a world in which the novice could easily get lost. How to choose a fly that will bring success at this very moment? Sometimes you have to keep in mind a lot of nuances and choices can be very difficult.
Many people think that flies - it is always an imitation of insects. However, in reality it is not so. Indeed, there are flies that mimic their appearance insect, but there are quite a lot of fly fishing lures, nothing to do with him not having.
For example, tape drives and fancy flies.
All Fly baits can be divided into streamers, dry and wet flies, nymphs and emedzhery.
Nymphs mimic insect in that its stage when it is still in the form of larvae live at the bottom of the reservoir.
In the next stage of evolution, the larvae develop legs and wings, it begins to rise from the bottom and swim. This stage simulate wet flies.
The third period of development of the insect in which it begins to float to the surface of the water and even fly, becoming a full-fledged adult, simulate dry flies.
Emedzhery mimic a dead insect, as a lure to the fish.
Streamers mainly imitate fry. These flies catch chub, perch, pike, chub, trout.
I want to note streamer WOLLY BUGGER, imitating leech. This is a very catchability lure that readily attacks the most diverse fish. There are streamers are designed specifically for salmon fishing. They are very very popular in our country.
One of the most popular varieties of fly fishing in Latvia - catching chub. In early spring, when the air still flies small insects, chub caught on fly WOLLY BUGGER. By summer, excellent bait for hunting chub is an imitation of the May beetle. And in the height of summer the fish willingly takes to simulate grasshopper.
There is a classic Fly bait, which easily can catch chub and asp. Its name: MUDDLER MINNOW, which means - lazy gudgeon.
Successfully catch trout on nymphs and dry flies. But in the spring and autumn is preferable to use tape drives. Trout partial to white and orange streamers. Well caught by these flies and perch.
Pike caught on big streamers length of 15-20 centimeters. Typically, one of the components of the streamer is rabbit fur. Is here and its disadvantages, often flies tail wound on a hook, which makes cutting.
Nymph can be fished as a stream, and against. But the wet front sight better to catch the flow. Upstream to catch a bait hard. After a wet fly to imitate a real insect, and, as can be convincing, because fish is very picky. And over complicates the wiring.
Streamer desirable fish downstream. During the drive, you need to make slight twitch cord, they "enliven" the bait.
Cast can fly both up and downstream - it all depends on the bait. Throwing bait upstream port-forwarded through the parking cord fish can not. This casts many nahlystoviki considered the best to correct the wiring, as the field of view of the fish does not get cable.
Many throw line across the current. This cast is just as effective and popular, but requires even greater mastery of the cord. Often it is necessary to use different tricks casting, that would reduce the negative impact of water flow, affecting the normal wiring.
You can also throw the bait downstream. Most often, this cast is used when there are no other conditions normally serve fly. Most often it is used for fishing on caddis imitation and large mayflies May, while convenient to suspend cables, which have little mouse could slip stream, which corresponds to the natural behavior of the insect.
The clearer and sunnier weather, the dark your sight, and vice versa. Although the experiment is useful and necessary.
How to choose the right fly subspecies? You should carefully observe the life of insects and fish.
For example, to find out at what level in the water is now supplied fish. If they are currently fed from the water, it makes sense to use a dry fly. By the way, on the dry fly fishing - a very interesting and sporting activities, and in addition - a beautiful sight.
Sometimes the fish are at the bottom and there are eating maggots. Then justified fishing on nymphs.
Another effective way of finding the best bait - introduction to the contents of the stomach of fish. With a special tube can penetrate the stomach of fish, extract the content and find out what feeds the fish in the pond.
Just read the entomological world reservoir can with a net. Just pick up any stone from the bottom and put a net in front of him down the river. After a while there will be a sufficient number of insects specific to the reservoir.
Old Swiss master Charles Ritz, which Hemingway wrote that he was back in the fifties brought a percentage: good choice fly only 20% success rate, while the remaining 80% are literate equipment wiring. So it is not dependent on the choice of flies, and the angler needs to constantly improve their technical skills. Without this, there will be no progress, and, hence, large catches.

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