четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.


As I promised, this time we will talk about the flies.

Very often, anglers who know little about fly fishing, asked the standard question: Do all fish can be caught on an artificial fly? Immediately answer, yes!

After all, imitation tie any insect that feeds on fish, there is no difficulty. Especially since almost all fish are insects in the diet. Nymph fishing is productively all year, because larvae live at the bottom round, and the fish eat them as living and dead, who was sight. Surely many anglers there have been occasions when the fish refuses to bite on the worm and the other head, but putting caddis larva bite alive. How greedy enough fish gamarus, scud!
What takes Vimba on goose (STONEFLY)!
So, the nymph is a wet fly that imitates adult adult insect larvae, crustaceans, worms living on the bottom or in the water.
Fly very catchability as only 20% of the fish fed with the water.
Very popular in the world of nymphs category GOLD HEAD.
It includes a huge number of flies, equipped with a "gold" head.
The head has two functions, heavier fly and is a stimulus for the fish also secrete toroks ball flies. On sale is even tungsten heads that allow gunpoint reach great depths and "punch" for. If this is not enough, then fly heavier lead wire.
No less catchability nymph RED TAG.
It is also equipped with a golden head and catching capacity throughout the year. With two points of irritation fish that mimics beetle.
caddis larva, just catching capacity all year.
Czech Nymph
In the world there are fly nymphs and without heads.
One such world famous
and very catchability CZECH NYMPH. There are many colors of this fly. Just above it, and simulates Shitik.
"Pheasant Tail"
Nymph PHEASANT TAIL also very catchability.
It simulates the larva pop ephemera. Preferred-catching for demolition.
Finally GAMARUS: scud imitation. Successfully caught in any of the seasons. In winter, the ice can be used asnozzlent .

Before the fishing is not bad to see what lives at the bottom of the reservoir using a small aquarium net or using specially adapted to view the contents of the stomach of fish. Oh, and it remains the case for small-tie nymph that imitates the insect. It would seem that success in the pocket. But this is not the case. We still have "read" the pond, and in the right place at the right depth to hold the fly.

There are many types of wiring nymphs, but we will focus on two of them.

The first is the fishing for demolition. The front sight is thrown at an angle of 45 degrees downstream and fused to full extension cord with small twitching rod tip or without, with fly imitates an insect struggling with the current. Bite felt the hit "a stick," which is a great pleasure angler. Thus, you can scour the waters of the reservoir to each square centimeter, gradually lengthening the cord through one or more casts.

The second is a method that is called by different names (Polish, Czech, fishing on tap, etc.).
So, on the long and short segment undergrowth cord hanging in the air, a nymph, one or more, threw a 45 degree angle against the current. The front sight, rolling along the bottom, floated down to straighten the cord, with the rod tip, raised up, as if pointing to the direction where the front sight, accompanying her. Thus mimics the nymph dead or alive insect, demolished over. Once the cord straightened, do not just to throw a tackle-fly begins to emerge, and sometimes, with the mass flight of insects, fish feed is pop nymphs. Sometimes, when a posting, there is a bite on the arm, but this is often just a stop cord. Often when fishing by this method using a bite alarm. There is also a big disadvantage in such postings nymph drifting along the bottom or near it, and can often be lost hooks and flies. If the fish prefer a little fly on the bottom, and the depth and flow at the site are great, tie the leash to the lower heavy nymph, and the top is smaller.

Try it, and success does not make you a long time to wait!
 Good luck!

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