четверг, 14 февраля 2013 г.

Acquainted with dry flies.

In this article we will talk about what is a classic fly fishing - fishing on dry flies.
Indeed, the classic fly fishing is catching on a dry fly. What could be more entertaining, sports and gambling, what, when noble fish missing from the water your bait, floating down the river. Not for nothing spinning prefer catching on poppers and Walker.
First of all, we touch a fish delicacy - mayflies. I will not go into the exact numbers, but in Latvia, there are about eighty species of adults of this insect. Of course, the most important and respected gastronomically all fish - a big caddis or mayfly MAYFLY, but thanks to our climate, it is a massive departure in June.

During the mass departure of the mayflies river "comes alive" and shows your entire life. That's it, and then comes the real treat flyfishermans. Fish loses all his caution, and tries to swallow a piece of cake right leg near the angler.
The sight is very impressive, but unfortunately does not always want to pay attention to the fish to your bait. It is understandable, because so many yummy sits on the water. Here is when the work accurately simulate mayflies, or, as they are known in the world of fly fishing realistic.

I note that this imitation of works throughout the season, as the most delicious dish is unforgettable.
Gradually replace the May more smaller species mayflies, and we turn to simulation on the hook size 12-14. Exactly at this time beginning to work like flies ADAMS.

There are many different shades of mayflies from white to black, but do not forget that when fishing a dry fly, fish primarily draws attention to its silhouette. This is what I recommend to pay attention to fishermen. You should not overlook this factor, as well as the places where today eats fish, roll, shivera, plums, or just a quiet stretch of river. Was the case this year with my boyfriend. We went to the trout. I have to catch amazing and friend returned with virtually nothing. When were analyzed, it was found that it just does not pay attention to the pits with a steady flow, and it was there that day was a trout.
In general, I recommend the trout use larger baits. This has been confirmed practice. Sure, there were a decent copy to catch small flies, but it is not law, it can not be said about the grayling.

Grayling, like trout, with passion summer eats ephemera different species, but to the cooling water, he drew attention to a little of this species of insects, which is just beginning to take off in September.
Simulating these representatives autumn grayling menu fit on hooks 22-24 rooms. Such imitation is difficult to attach to the leash thickness 0.08 - 0.1 mm, which gives a lot of good feeling when playing Grayling, for the fall are more accessible copies eating decent fish, a top fighter with a beautiful "Sailing." Just do not forget that during the fattening grayling spawning brown trout, on this, to see your feet, not to trample on the spawning ground of this truly noble fish.
It is not bad and catch imitation is the so-called parachute or KLINKHAMER. Very catch fly. Basically runs on curved nimph hooks.

So it is considered that the mayfly-head around, but it is not so. There are many other adults that are not averse to eat fish. One of them, which I would like to stop this caddis, which is a famous striker lures,

a simulation called CADDIS. A wonderful sight, which can be made and different materials such as fur deer

SDS, or feathers.
There was a case in Slovakia on the river Vah. We have one trout, and the local three. Looking not our failure, a local fisherman kindly presented me the same fly, and it went ... It was caddis feather VTS. The next day I forced upon our entire team of flies, and we will enjoy a bite of this beautiful fish.
In conclusion, I would recommend anglers, look closely at what is flying over the water that sits on the water that eats fish, well then just look to your flybox.
Good luck!

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